Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Feelings are nothing more than feelings..

Sometimes I wonder how a simple 'feeling' can make your whole world turn upside down. It can make your bright world seem gloomy, and it can make your colorful life seem dull. I know I'm being dramatic but it is true isn't it?

For many people, getting pass a certain 'feeling' or 'emotion' isn't all that easy. And one of that particular person would be me.

Let's just say that feeling is 'longing'. God it sucks the life out of you. You can almost always feel that 'longing' digging through your soul, clawing out every bit of happiness inside of you. Just when you feel like you've almost reached a point of happiness, this God damn 'claw' destroys everything it sees. Planting misery and sadness along the way.

I used to think, 'Just when you think you've reached the lowest point in your life, it gives you back in a way you never expected.' I wasn't wrong, but I missed another counter-act of that theory. 'Just when you think you've reached the highest point in your life, it brings you crawling back down even deeper than you've ever been before.' That is life.

Sad but true, I'll have to leave it at this now. Sorry for the gloomy post, but I really can't think anything much right now. Although I am psyched to go to Bali and visit my sister next month, but that will be another story.

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