Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life is...

I stumbled upon a dear friend online, and we chatted after being quite busy ourselves for these past few weeks. I had my phone repaired, which took two long weeks without my proper communication device (blackberry messenger, mobile yahoo messenger, mobile skype messenger, whatsapp) with no numbers I could contact.

I was told my blog was quickly populating, and he'll be sure to read every bit of my posts even though I know sometimes I just pour out every single bit of unimportant things into this blog. I have determined to keep on improving my blog! (comments and critics are welcomed, please be nice =P)

I have always thought of 'life' like a spinning wheel, we have our ups and downs (reflected clearly in my posts). I always think that life will always get better, because we can't always keep on going down. But our chat today made me think of 'life' in another level, something I never thought of before.

"Life is a high entropy system which tend to have a chaotic tendency in probabilistic theory. If A is X, and B is Y, then C may be Z with unknown probability. Second lemma, life is only inside your head. For example, an apple is an apple if my head agrees it is an apple. Substitute apple with problem, a problem is a problem if my head agrees it is a problem. It's a conditional probability. Don't forget the first lemma, that life is a high entropy system of infinite order (A-Z) accordingly to the probabilistic theory, a high order high entropy system is chaotic, so the boundary of the conditional probability is [-infinity, +infinity]. Hence, I may understand an opportunity as either problem or opportunity depending on the way my head agrees." - M. Y.

It all makes sense now, my love of mathematics and physics lead me to 'believe' this new theory. My head needs polishing, I haven't been using my brain for anything useful these past few years. I feel like rusting. So here's a picture I made.....

I can finally rest in peace.... LOL

I'll be having Body Balance class this evening, and hopefully I can join the class after that too which is Hatha Yoga with my buddy Ebong (I doubt she could stand joining 2 classes in a row). And I think I'll go swimming tomorrow, alone I guess....

I'm bad in swimming, I remember vaguely I was good at swimming when I was like 5 or 6 years old. And then I stopped swimming for around 3 years, and when I tried swimming again I suck! How could I forget?!

And I have this phobia too, thinking a shark will come out and eat me every time I swim with my head underwater. I prefer not wearing goggles, as I can see the emptiness in the deep waters and it scares me. Although I know it is nonsense, that everything is just in my head I just can't seem to overcome this phobia of mine. How could a god damn shark appear out of nowhere in a swimming pool??

Breathe Laura.. Breathe.. It's not possible for a shark to be at a swimming pool..
Does anybody have this kind of phobia too?

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